Friday, 13 April 2012

An Awkward Introduction

I've never really blogged before... at least, if you don't count Tumblr. And I don't really count re-posting hoards of Downton Abbey 'gifs' and amusing screen caps as blogging.
So this is something new for me.
I'm going to use this blog as a bit of a mental scrapbook. There'll be photographers that I like/ have recently discovered, books on Photography and Film that I've read, reviews of movies and probably some self-indulgent posting of my recent work. If any of that interests you, then follow away! I promise to try and keep it interesting.
My work tends to focus around documentary/street photography though I don't turn my nose up at portraits and a bit of composed narrative. Those things I enjoy doing. But with documentary, it feels right. I think Photography is an incredible tool that (excuse the cliche) can change the world. But even more then that, it can find the beauty in a world that most have already given up on.
I suppose a good start point would be to show you some of my own work. So here you go, the work of yet another Photography student striving to be different.

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